Title: Rubber Band-Powered Car
Objective: To design and build a rubber band-powered car and measure its speed and distance.
Materials Required:
1. Cardboard
2. Rubber bands
3. Wooden skewers or dowels
4. Bottle caps or small plastic wheels
5. Straws
6. Hot glue gun or craft glue
7. Scissors
8. Ruler
9. Tape
10. Pencil or pen
11. Stopwatch or timer
12. Measuring tape or ruler
13. Smooth surface for testing (e.g., table, floor)
1. Design the Car:
a. Draw a car design on the cardboard. You can create a basic rectangular-shaped car body or be creative and design your own unique car shape.
b. Cut out the car body using scissors.
c. Attach bottle caps or small plastic wheels to the bottom of the car body using hot glue or craft glue. These will serve as the car’s wheels.
2. Build the Rubber Band-Powered Mechanism:
a. Take two wooden skewers or dowels and insert them through the sides of the car body, near the rear end. These will act as axles for the rear wheels.
b. Attach bottle caps or small plastic wheels to the ends of the skewers, securing them in place with hot glue or craft glue.
c. Cut two straws to the width of the car body and attach them horizontally to the front end of the car body. These will serve as guides for the front wheels.
d. Attach bottle caps or small plastic wheels to the ends of the straws, securing them in place with hot glue or craft glue.
3. Rubber Band-Powered Mechanism Assembly:
a. Make two small holes in the rear end of the car body, just above the rear wheels.
b. Insert a pencil or pen through the holes, acting as an axle for the rubber band.
c. Take a rubber band and loop it around the pencil or pen axle, then stretch it to the front of the car and secure it to the front end of the car body.
d. Make sure the rubber band is stretched tightly but not overly taut.
4. Testing and Measuring:
a. Find a smooth surface for testing, such as a table or floor.
b. Wind up the rubber band by turning the pencil or pen axle in the opposite direction of the car’s forward motion.
c. Place the car on the testing surface with the rear wheels in contact with the surface.
d. Release the car and measure the time it takes for the car to travel a certain distance.
e. Use a stopwatch or timer to measure the time accurately.
f. Repeat the test multiple times and calculate the average time taken.
g. Measure the distance covered by the car using measuring tape or ruler.
h. Repeat the distance measurement multiple times and calculate the average distance covered.
The rubber band-powered car operates based on the principles of potential and kinetic energy. When the rubber band is wound up, it stores potential energy. When released, the potential energy is converted into kinetic energy, propelling the car forward. The rubber band’s tension and the design of the car determine the speed and distance it can travel. Factors such as the length and width of the rubber band, the weight and shape of the car, and the smoothness of the surface affect the car’s performance.
Note: This documentation provides a general guideline for building and testing a rubber band-powered car. Feel free to modify and experiment with the design and materials to improve the car’s performance. Ensure safety precautions while handling sharp tools and hot glue. Adult supervision is recommended, especially for younger students.